There is nothing worse than feeling bloated – it’s uncomfortable overall not an enjoyable time!
There are many reasons why you could be experiencing bloating but today we are going to share 3 tips that might help stop that dreaded feeling so you can get on your way to a happy tummy!
Sit Down To Eat and Take Your Time
More often than not we are in a rush and eating on the go in the car or out of a container over a bench, but where you can help it make sure you are seated and really taking your time to eat. This allows our bodies to actually take it all in and break down the foods to digest. Take time to practice mindful eating.
Drink Ginger Tea Before Meals
Did you know ginger tea is known to help stimulate stomach acid? It stimulates the bile, and gastric juices.
Having tea around 30 min before a meal can aid in the digestion process.
Add Psyllium Husk Into Your Diet
Psyllium husk is a fibre that can act like a brush along your colon wall, helping to eliminate any built-up waste and efficiently digest anything that may be stagnant.
Adding some psyllium husk into a smoothie, juice or sprinkled within a salad can help assist digestion and bloating.
*As always, we recommend that you consult with a health professional for medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition*